About Preservation Chapel Hill
​Preservation Chapel Hill is dedicated to protecting the character and heritage of the Town of Chapel Hill and the surrounding community, through the preservation and conservation of its historic buildings and neighborhoods.
To achieve our mission, our approach is three-fold:
Preserve, Advocate, Educate
Preservation Chapel Hill is dedicated to protecting the character and heritage of the Town of Chapel Hill, and the surrounding community, through the preservation and conservation of its historic buildings and cultural landscapes.
We advocate for preservation initiatives by encouraging projects that balance the need for development and growth with the desire to retain our historic resources. We work with partners in economic development, heritage tourism, public education, and local government to ensure a voice for historic preservation is present in the decision-making process.
We educate the public and our partners about what historic preservation is, why it matters, and how it can be a tool to achieve our community's goals. The field of historic preservation has developed and changed over the last fifty years, and we are a resource for understanding its role in today's society.

Our History
The mid-twentieth century saw many changes in Chapel Hill, including the loss of several historic buildings. In 1972, the impending demolition of the Mickle-Mangum-Smith House spurred Ida Friday and Georgia Kyser into action. The two long-time residents of Chapel Hill worked with historic preservation pioneer Robert Stipe to form the Chapel Hill Preservation Society. In 1973, the fledgling organization purchased, restored, and resold the Mickle-Mangum-Smith House - the first of many preservation success stories.
The organization grew quickly and soon required a headquarters. The University offered to lease the Horace Williams House to the group in 1973. After a $100,000 restoration project, the Chapel Hill Preservation Society finally had a place to call home.
Since its founding, the organization has worked diligently to preserve Chapel Hill's historic resources, advocate for preservation initiatives, and educate homeowners about caring for their historic homes. Now called Preservation Chapel Hill, the organization remains dedicated to protecting historic architecture and cultural landscapes in the twenty-first century. With the new and swift growth Chapel Hill is experiencing in the past few years, the call for preservation is even more important. It is up to newer generations to be its steward.
We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with no outside funding. Supporting our preservation intiatives by making a tax-deductible donation helps us with our core mission: To Preserve, Advocate and Educate the community about preservation.
Click below to make a one-time tax deductible donation to Preservation Chapel Hill
If you are age 70 or older, you may be able to instruct your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) custodian or administrator to transfer any amount up to $100,000 as a gift directly to a charitable organization like PCH. This serves as a way to reduce your taxable income (provided you do not itemize on your annual return).
For those who can’t claim itemized deductions because of higher standardized deductions, this can be an ideal way to make an impact. Rolling over part of your IRA's “required minimum distribution” (RMD) to a charitable institution helps to reduce your tax bill while also supporting your favorite organization or charitable cause.
Disclaimer: Always consult with a tax professional before making any RMD or equity charitable gifts.
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Through investment, asset, and other non-cash gifts, PCH has been able to offer annual programs (such as the Baroque and Beyond music series), restore major aspects of the Horace Williams House, and expand archival storage capabilities.
We are happy to work with you or your financial advisors to find a creative way to continue your support of our program.
Disclaimer: Always consult with a tax professional before making any RMD or equity charitable gifts.
Who is PCH?
Preservation Chapel Hill is run by Staff, Volunteers, and an elected Board of Trustees. For information about working with PCH, email info@preservationchapelhill.org
Board of Trustees
Laurie Norman
Garland Hershey
Michael Fox
Chris Berndt
Don Tise
Garland Hershey
Emilie DeLuca
Laurie Norman
Campbell Gibson
Rebecca Johnson
Chris Berndt
Michael Fox
Phillip Lyons
Jessica Merritt
Board terms are for three years and officer terms are for one year. If you are interested in serving on the Board, please email us at: info@preservationchapelhill.org.
Allison Essen
Stacy Duck
Tama Hochbaum