We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with no outside funding. Supporting our preservation intiatives by making a tax-deductible donation helps us with our core mission: To Preserve, Advocate and Educate the community about preservation. Join Preservation Chapel Hill or make a donation to support PCH's preservation efforts.
If you are age 70 or older, you may be able to instruct your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) custodian or administrator to transfer any amount up to $100,000 as a gift directly to a charitable organization like PCH. This serves as a way to reduce your taxable income (provided you do not itemize on your annual return).
For those who can’t claim itemized deductions because of higher standardized deductions, this can be an ideal way to make an impact. Rolling over part of your IRA's “required minimum distribution” (RMD) to a charitable institution helps to reduce your tax bill while also supporting your favorite organization or charitable cause.
Disclaimer: Always consult with a tax professional before making any RMD or equity charitable gifts.
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Through investment, asset, and other non-cash gifts, PCH has been able to offer annual programs (such as the Baroque and Beyond music series), restore major aspects of the Horace Williams House, and expand archival storage capabilities.
We are happy to work with you or your financial advisors to find a creative way to continue your support of our program.
Disclaimer: Always consult with a tax professional before making any RMD or equity charitable gifts.
Support Preservation in your
own way
We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with no outside funding. Supporting our preservation intiatives by making a tax-deductible donation helps us with our core mission: To Preserve, Advocate and Educate the community about preservation.
We offer one-time direct donation, sustained membership donation, and financial investment funding that all go directly to supporting our organization and goals.

Horace Williams House
Preservation Walkway
Support Preservation Chapel Hill while honoring people and ideas important to you with a commemorative brick. Add your brick to Preservation Walkway, leading from the Horace Williams House to Franklin Street, and join other families and organizations who have honored loved ones, colleagues or special events. We encourage you to be creative. Please call or email the Rental Coordinator if you need further information or ideas on designing a brick.